Saturday 11 April 2015

Some questiones asked by Dr Sunil yadav about Hinduism which seems to be basic questions and every hindu can answer them but Sunil yadav claimed that it will make everyone speechless so let's see.
Dr Sunil Yadav's questions which will
make everyone speechless!
These questions are worth a deep
1. Why are all the Hindu gods and
goddesses born only in India? And
why the people outside India don't
know any of them?
Response- First thing hindus only believe in one god without any form the others are dieties, statues of hindu dieties have been found almost all over the world china, arab, vetican, malaysia, africa etc some of them a over 5000-6000 years old.

2. Why do all the Hindu gods and
goddesses ride carriers which are
Indian animals? Why not some
animals found only in a few countries
such as Kangaroos, Giraffe and so
Response- Not all dieties rides on animals shiva rides of Ox found all over the globe? Durga rides on lion or tiger found india china africa and some other parts of world, ganesh rides on rat found everywhere, narmada rides on crocodile found everywhere, horse used in chariots found everywhere, and above that kangroo and giraffe are hard to ride or use on carry

3. Why did all the gods and
goddesses born only in royal
families? Why none of them was
born in poor families or in lower
Response- This shows dr sunil have no knowedge of hinduism he belongs to clan Yadav and doesn't know that lord krishna was from Yadav clan?
Shiva took form of chandal which is seen as lowest caste today, daksha prajapati calls him self out caste, I ask this sunil yadav which god he thinks belong to brahmin caste one of the higest caste? And high caste system is created during invasion of india to divide hindus there was no such thing that time caste system was task system the work u do that caste u belong to and every work in society is important.

4. The mythological stories mention
details of daily activity of the gods
and goddesses as to when did
Parvati bathe with sandal dust? when
did she make LADDUs for Ganesha,
how did Ganesha relish the LADDUs
and so on. But as soon as the
SCRIPT of the scriptures ends, so do
the narratives of the activities of the
gods and goddesses. Did all the gods
die after that? Where are they now
and what are they doing?
Response- The world is divided in four yug(age) Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga and Kali Yuga. Satya Yug, we are in kali age the age of lie and corrupts dieties don't live in this age they all departed to spritual world swarglok christians call it heaven, kali age started after krishna left earth.

5. The scriptures tell us stories of
gods and goddesses frequently
visiting the earth. They would
sometimes give boons to somebody
and sometimes kill a sinner. But what
has gone wrong now, that they no
longer visit the earth?
Response- Like I said its kali age it was all predicted 1000 of years ago if u read how kali age will be its exactly how it is but to end this age kalki avatar will arive on earth in the end of this age and this question he says gods and goddes coming to earth but previous questions he say where did they all disappear he is making joke of himself,

6. In the mythology, whenever a evil
spreads all around, god would take
birth in a king's family and grow
there for about 30-35 years and
then kill the evildoer. When god
himself has to kill the evil, why does
he wait for 30-35 years? Why
doesn't he rather instantly kill them
like he killed his own devotees in
Uttar Khand?
Response- He didn't know hinduism at all gods never waited to kill evil for so long krishna started killing demons when he was child who can't even speak and shiva took forms on earth and instantly killed many evil doers, ram killed many witches and demons as time came and some demons where not easy enough for anyone to kill so there had to be a perfect time, just like there was one for sacrifice of christ why didn't god sent jesus down after adam ate friut and forgive them there only? No god works according to his power he knows better that anyone.

7. If Hindu religion is such an ancient
one, why isn't there much
propaganda for it all over the world?
Why the other religions like Islam and
Christianity have so much
acceptability? How could they win
more followers than Hindu religion, if
it's ancient? Why were the Hindu
gods and goddesses unable to stop
Response- Hinduism was never a religion until persians named us, Hindus were just living a normal way of life simple living high thinking, there is no founder of hinduism why? Christianity started after jesus, islam started after muhammad, hinduism never started, other religions have more followers because of the cocept of someone coming and founding the religion which suits humans more that not being a founder but if I ask which sect of christianity is true? Choose any one sect because all cannot be true as u choose one christianity falls down even lower that islam same do it with islam islam has 73 sects all killing each other, these religions god demands worship or burn in hell its not like that in hinduism u are free even an atheist can be a hindu today many christians believe in karma where does it come from? Yoga where does it come from? Herbal products where does it come from? Ayur ved where does it come from? So if u follow these u following hinduism without even knowing that its blasphemy for ur own religion, what is benificial blesphemy or Yoga? Right

8. If polygamy is inappropriate as per
Hinduism, then why did Dasharath,
the father of Rama, marry three
Response- Polygamy is nowhere mentioned in hindu scripture but today its inappropriate, where its really inaprpriate is in christianity and islam christians think they can only have one wife where does it say in the bible? How many wifes did solomon had? Islam permits 4 wifes muhammad had 13 his followers had more that 4 why did inequality?

9. If Shiva was able to chop off his
son Ganesha's head, what sort of a
god does it make him, that he was
unable to patch the same head back
in place? Why should an innocent
elephant be killed and it's head be
placed on Ganesha's body? How did
an elephant's head fit on a human
Response- Shiva chopped ganesh head in anger, and ganesh sacrificed his head to protect his mother's honour, the head cut from shiva's trident no power can bring that head back to life by cutting the elephants head shiva brought both his son and elephant back to life, how did the head fit? They were supernatural they body size maybe bigger than humans just like gaints in christianity in islam?

10. If non veg food is prohibited by
Hinduism, why did Rama go out to
hunt the golden deer? Isn't it wrong
to kill a deer?
Response- Ram never went to kill the deer he went to capture it so sita can have him as pet that's what sita asked ram that deer as pet,

11. If Rama is god, how come he
didn't know that the nectar pot is
hidden in Ravana's tummy? If
Ravana's insider didn't divulge the
secret to Rama, he would have never
won the war against Ravana! Is this
how you expect god to be?
Response- Ram was avatar on earth if ram had power so did ravan, ravan was also very powerful and capable of hiding secrets and powers.

12. You believe Krishna is god too.
But how does it befit god to peep at
bathing Gopikas? If a common man
does such things in this era, don't
we call him a loose charactered man?
How can you call Krishna a god?
Response- Krishna did this once not everytime he did it taught the gopis lesson he did not peek while they were bathing the gopis kept one month fast to have krishna as their husband and the last day they went to bath taking all their cloths off they went naked in the river which offends the god of water so to teach them a lesson krishna took their cloths far from the shore.

13. Why are the perpetrators of rape
so high among Hindus?
Response- The stats of rape is seen according to country majority of hindu live in india after being so high populated country its 3rd in rank first is US second is South africa I am not sure how does this makes hindu high in rape? Perhaps if u want to see rape amoung religion combine all the christian countries and combine their rape stats and see how far it goes?

14. Why do Hindus worship Shiva's
penis? Why other parts are not
worth worshipping?
Response- This is most stupid question a hindu will ask shivling does not mean penis it mean mark or symbol shivling means the unique formless state of shiva the sanskrit word of penis is shishnam.

15. Hindu temples of Khujaraho's
walls are adorned with erotic
sculptures. Why is such place called
a holy temple? Is sex considered as a
holy activity worth worshipping?
I have a lot more questions to ask
but let me first get answers to
Response- Sex was never seen an event of shame in vedic age it was seen a gift of god to multiply and be fruitful, the shame for sex originated from abrahmic religion remember god made adam and eve naked and they were not ashamed? But after eating fruit they were ashamed of being naked which slowly spread everywhere, the temple in khajaraho is not to worship sex but they have diesties inside that are worshipped sex position are depicted on outside of temples as a gift from God and also describes lots of lawfull form of sex.

These where the question Sunil yadav thought will make everyone speechless but the answers will make him and many speechless.
Who is Sunil Yadav anyway?